At Inn From the Cold, our emphasis is on providing a community of fellowship, support and empowerment to address the issues of housing stability and homelessness in the York Region. This transitionary strategic plan is therefore designed to guide our organizational evolution as we expand our range of programs and build a new housing centre which is scheduled to open in 2024. It outlines ambitious yet achievable capacity building goals for the next five years. It also reflects our unshakeable commitment to alleviate homelessness and enhance support services and facilities for those experiencing homelessness in our community.
The Annual General Meeting of members and directors of the INN FROM THE COLD INC. is held for the purpose of:
- Receiving, considering and approving the financial statements for the financial year, together with the auditor’s report;
- Electing directors and officers;
- Appointing auditors and authorizing the board of directors to fix their remuneration;
- Confirmation and sanction of the actions of the directors and any other matters that require the confirmation or sanction of the members;
- Transacting such other business as may properly come before the meeting.