Shelter contact: 905 895-8889 ext 227
Central Intake Line: 1 877 464-9675 ext 76140
Our emergency housing/shelter is open 24/7 all year round.
Services include
- Access to housing workers, mental health workers, and case managers
- Meals – including a hot dinner, breakfast & lunch
- Clothing (supplied as needed)
- Laundry facilities
- Shower facilities
- Sleeping facilities – including bedding and a pillow
- Internet
- 4 men’s sleeping rooms which accommodates up to 24 men
- 1 women’s sleeping room which accommodates up to 6 women
Note: you must be 16 years or older to stay at our shelter.
1816 Metro Rd., Sutton
Shelter contact: 365 340-3637
Central Intake Line: 1 877 464-9675 ext 76140
Services include
- Sleeping facilities – including bedding and a pillow
- Internet
Note: you must be 16 years or older to stay at our shelter.
7 days a week
17837 Yonge Street, Newmarket
Program phone: 647 512-8754
Program email:
Services include
- Access to housing workers
- Showers
- Lunch and snacks
- Internet access
7 days a week
7:30am – 10pm
20849 Dalton Road, Sutton, Meeting Room – 3
Program phone: 365 340-3353
Program email:
Services include
- Access to housing workers
- Showers
- Lunch and snacks
- Internet access
7 days a week
8am – 10pm
The community meal program began in 2009 as food insecurity began to increase in our community. We typically serve 50-90 individuals.
When and where does the community meal take place?
Every Friday, meals are available for take-away from the pick up counter at our shelter from 4:30PM to 5:30PM.
Who is responsible for preparing the food for the community meal?
Each week a different group plans the menu, purchases the food, does the food preparation in the kitchen at IFTC and serves our guests. The program is also supported by a group of core volunteers from IFTC, who setup and cleanup after the guests leave.
An invitation to participate
Each Friday we served a nutritious, take-home dinner form 4:30 to 5:30 which is open to everyone in our community. These meals are provided by corporate groups, faith groups, service clubs and groups of family or friends. These Providing Groups shop, prepare and serve the meal and typically spend from $325.00 upwards and plan for 100 to 110 plates of food. A group of Inn From the Cold volunteers manage beverages and set up and clean up tasks.
Donations to this program are always welcome. Tax receipts are available to those purchasing the food.
For more information contact Martha 905.895.8889 ext 221 or by email
Thank you to our meal providers:
4:30 – 5:30PM
- Affinity Group
- Alive Church
- Baháʼí of Newmarket
- Baháʼí of Richmond Hill
- BMK Management
- Brain Power Studio
- Brisbois Family
- Canadian Federation of University Women
- Dalton Family & Johnston Family
- Empire Green Lawn Care
- Grace Church
- Grace Simon & Friends
- Hailey Russell & Family
- Holy Cross Lutheran Church
- Holy Trinity School
- Honda Canada
- Interact Club
- Jackie Playter Friends & Family
- Juli Playter & Millicent
- Koruna Family
- Linda Thibeault & Family
- Loveena & Family
- Martin Family
- Nadi & Family
- New Hope Methodist Church
- Newmarket Christ Church
- Newmarket Lions Club
- Newmarket Redemption Church
- Newmarket Stingray Swim Club
- Noora & Family
- North East Newmarket Veterinary Services
- Nourish & Development Foundation
- Quakers Newmarket
- Rino & Family
- Rogers Communication
- Rotary Club
- Southlake Region Health Centre Emergency Department
- St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
- St. James the Apostle Anglican Church
- Thibeault Family & Friends
- Town of Newmarket Customer Service
- Trinity United Church
- Tzu Chi Foundation
- Victory Baptist Church
- Winnie & Friends